Dear Rincon Vista Families,
I hope you and your family are having a wonderful and relaxing summer! The start of a new school year is almost here and the staff at Rincon Vista is looking forward to having everyone on campus again. I would like to share some information that will be helpful to you regarding the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year.
Student Schedules
Student schedules will be available for viewing in PowerSchool beginning on Friday, July 5th. You and/or your student can log into PowerSchool to view your student’s classes. If you need help accessing PowerSchool, please contact our Technology Team at
Printed student schedules will be available on Thursday, July 11th from 4:30pm to 6:30pm for students to walk the campus and see where their classes are located. Classrooms will not be open and teachers will not be in their rooms. This time is for students to become familiar with our campus and the location of their classes, which will be helpful for our new 6th graders and other students new to RVMS. Historically, this has been when we hosted our Open House. In an attempt to enhance and improve our Open House, we have moved it to Thursday, July 18th. More information about our Open House can be found later in this letter.
Schedules not picked up on the 11th will be given to Home Base (previously called Advisor Base) teachers to give to students on the first day of school, July 15th. All students will report to their Home Base class at the start of the first day of school. Home Base rosters will be posted in the windows of the administration office in the morning on July 15th in case students don’t know where to go for their Home Base class. We will also have staff members spread out across campus helping students get to where they need to go throughout the first day.
Chromebook Check-out
Please keep an eye out for an email on Friday, June 28th from our Site Technology Coordinator, Abbie Alden, with details regarding the Chromebook checkout process for this year.
WEB 6th Grade Orientation
Orientation will take place on Friday, July 12th from 9:00am to 11:00am in the gym. Students will enter the gym through the doors at the front of the school. This event is led by our WEB 7th & 8th Grade Student Leaders and the purpose is to make the transition from elementary school to middle school a positive one for our new 6th graders. Students will participate in small and large group activities designed to address students’ needs and concerns in a safe and enjoyable environment. Students should wear comfortable shoes; they do not need to bring anything with them except an open mind and a willingness to have fun! To help with planning, please RSVP for your student by clicking HERE.
6th Grade Parent/Guardian Bootcamp
Bootcamp will take place at the same time as WEB Orientation on Friday, July 12th from 9:00am to 11:00am. Similar to the orientation for students, this event will provide information to assist with the transition from being a parent or guardian of an elementary student to a parent or guardian of a middle school student. Everyone will attend an informative presentation about navigating the transition from elementary school to middle school. Then parents and guardians will rotate through breakout sessions led by their students' 6th Grade teachers. Presentations will cover academic expectations, behavior expectations, and technology. The event will conclude with a mini resource fair where representatives from the following groups will be available for questions: Transportation Department, Food Services Department, RVMS Student Services Department, RVMS Administration, RVMS Technology Department, RVMS Athletics, Specialists, Team Rincon, Team Vista, and Special Education. To help us prepare, please click HERE to RSVP and let us know if you will be attending (same link as the WEB Orientation RSVP).
Open House (New Format for 24/25!)
We hope to see everyone at our Open House on Thursday, July 18th from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. This event will have a new format that begins with a presentation for everyone in the gym at 5:30pm. Afterward, families will follow a bell schedule to visit their students' classes. Teachers will introduce themselves, give a brief overview of their class, and answer a few questions before the bell rings to signal the transition to the next class.
Supply Lists
Supply lists for each grade level can be found by clicking HERE.
Bell Schedules
Bell Schedules for each team can be found by clicking HERE.
*Bell Schedule Update
The names for three of our periods have changed this year. Advisor Base is now Home Base. It is still the first period of the day for all grades and this is when our character education curriculum will be implemented. Literacy Skills is now Rocket Time and this is when Math Reteach & Enrich take place. Reteach & Enrich during 9th period is now called Flight Time and this is when ELA Reteach & Enrich will take place.
Food Service
Information about meal prices, setting up a meal account for your student, and the Free & Reduced Meal Application can be found in a letter from the Vail Food Service Department by clicking HERE.
Bus Routes
Bus routes, pick-up times, and drop-off times are available HERE.
School Hours
Our school day begins at 8:00am and ends at 2:50pm. We ask that students not be on campus before 7:45am or after 3:00pm (unless they are participating in a school-related activity). If you will be dropping your child off at school or picking them up from school, we ask that you please do so in the area in front of our gymnasium and continuing east in the pull-out along the sidewalk. Please do not block traffic or stop in any roadways as you drop off and pick up your student.
Dress Code
We work to prepare students at Rincon Vista for the future. Part of that effort is establishing a dress code appropriate for a middle school learning environment. We want to partner with families to help students make good judgments regarding what they should wear to school. The specifics of our dress code can be found on page 18 in the Student Handbook, which can be found by clicking HERE.
Quarter 1 Sports include Cheer, Flag Football, Cross Country, and Girls Volleyball. Practices will take place after school starting on Monday, July 22nd and the season will conclude towards the end of September (before Fall Break). All students who participate in athletics must have a current physical (less than a year old) on file before practicing. Athletics fees will be due before the first competition of the season. If participation numbers exceed our ability to provide meaningful involvement in a particular sport, cuts will be made based on skill level. Please click HERE for more information about all sports at Rincon Vista.
We will be using Aktivate (formerly Register My Athlete) for parents and guardians to register their child for a sport. Athletic registration information for Quarter 1 will be emailed to families during the week of July 1st.
Site Council
The Rincon Vista Site Council will have two, two-year openings for the 2024/2025 school year. Site Council is a wonderful opportunity to be involved in the decision-making process at the middle school. The Site Council generally meets once a month and is involved as an advisory body in decisions concerning budget, staffing, scheduling, organization and much more. You can nominate yourself or someone else at the Open House on July 18th. We will send a ballot form to all parents and guardians via email to vote soon after school begins. If you are unable to attend Open House and want to be on the ballot, please reach out to me directly.
Becoming Involved
You are encouraged and welcomed to be a part of our campus! Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Sarah Taylor ( or 879-3202), or your child’s teacher if you would like to volunteer your time. We also have a strong and supportive PTO (Parent Teacher Organization). Be on the lookout soon for information about how you can join and support Rincon Vista!
In closing, the start of a new school year is always filled with excitement and I am looking forward to a great year with all of our students. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 879-3204 or if you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance.
Dean Nourse